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Master WiP- "The Ironsong"

This is my first big attempt at working towards a finished piece in blender, my first Modeling piece in a long time.

The ship was actually supposed to start as a concept style drawing but my tablet was making me want to have kittens so I just went straight to the model.

I am going to keep updating this as the MASTER WiP and just add new WiP projects that I will transition into here as I progress

The design is an attempt to fuse western and eastern sailing ship aesthetic, yes I know that there would have to be some pretty extreme hull changes to make this actually work. I am going to try to incorporate some thing that I think, visually at least; would work to help that along.

This is the ship one of my characters run, in theory, in FF14. Mostly as a vehicle for a friend to do their own thing but I decided to model it out and give some life to the beast.

Sketched attempt

Sketched attempt

Art Board for this project

Art Board for this project